Friday, March 6, 2020

One Stupidly Easy E-book Hack Thatll Supercharge Your Language Learning

One Stupidly Easy E-book Hack Thatll Supercharge Your Language Learning One Stupidly Easy E-book Hack Thatll Supercharge Your Language Learning Reading a full-length book in a foreign language without much prior reading practice?Thats like trying to run a marathon without any training.Sure, it’s a great idea in theory, but youre unlikely to reach your end goal without petering out from pure exhaustion.We know academic research backs up the undeniable benefits of immersing yourself in a foreign text. For example, one study conducted at the Monterey Institute of International Studies showed that students acquire and retain verb conjugation skills through repeated exposure in written texts.And yet, so many of us find cracking open a massive volume of text nearly impossible. What if one simple tool could completely rewrite how you think about reading foreign materials?Instead of spending long hours trying to deduct meaning from confusing words youve yet to master, you could speed through pages and pages of text in about the same time it takes you to read in English. Think this sounds like nothing more than a pipe dream?Prepare yourself for a revolutionary technique thatll change your whole approach to learning through books. One Stupidly Easy E-book Hack Thatll Supercharge Your Language LearningAfter that massive buildup, brace yourself for this one word solution: e-books.Yeah, I know, it sounds super anticlimactic. After all, an e-book is just a physical book in digital form, so what’s the big deal? You see, e-books have one incredible advantage over physical textsâ€"most e-readers support in-line dictionaries.Do you see where this is headed?I stumbled upon this incredible language learning hack a few years ago, and I can honestly say it has changed my whole approach to reading in a foreign language. Simply install a foreign dictionary on your e-reader, download a book in your target language and start reading.As you encounter words youre unfamiliar with, click the text and an English definition (or, if desired, a definition in your target language) will be displayed immediately. Best of all, many e -readers will automatically save searched  words for later reference, making it super simple to engrave those new terms in your brain.Ready to get the ball rolling? Follow the 3 simple steps below to optimize your e-reader for your language learning needs and goals. I personally use this technique on a Kindle device and it works like a charm, but the approach is similar for all e-readers. Stop dreaming about the benefits of mastering a new language and start actually doing it.1. Procure the Right DictionaryIf youre anything like me, youll probably find modern literature a tad bit more stimulating than stuffy prose scribbled down two centuries ago.Yes, theres a time and place for Victor Hugo’s long-winded descriptions and colorful speech, but youll likely enjoy a recent novel more than Notre-Dame de Paris. Not only do contemporary writers tend to keep their stories moving more quickly, but they frequently use slang and everyday language you wont find in the tomes of the celebrated authors of the 1800s.While there are plenty of great dictionaries available to today’s language learners, you need to find an option that includes the commonplace words used by modern speakers. In an ideal world, youd be able to look up WordReference translations  and forum comments in a split second, but e-books havent quite made it to that point yet.Fortunately, you can locate a recent edition of a popular dictionary in most e-reader stores. Be sure to read over reviews from other buyers in order to find the right book for you. Also, keep in mind that you may want a dictionary that provides definitions in English! This could be key to helping you speed through your reading. If youre more advanced or if you feel like challenging yourself, try using a monolingual dictionary (all in the target language).As an aside, its worth mentioning that you can get in-line definitions for text on the web using WordReference’s engine! Plugins are available for both Chrome and Firefox. Feel ov erwhelmed by news stories or foreign blogs? This free tool is an absolute lifesaver.2. Choose a Well-liked BookLet me tell you a little secret: bad literature isnt any better in a foreign language.Don’t go through all the motions to optimize your e-reader only to discover youve picked up something truly atrocious.Instead, take your time reading the reviews for available novels and be sure to pick something from your preferred genre. For example, I eagerly devour mysteries and thrillers, which is why you’ll find my Kindle full of foreign titles in this niche. It’s much easier to push ahead if you enjoy the source material.By the way, if youre still unconvinced about choosing an e-book over a hard copy, I understand your pain. I still love and cherish my physical copies of my favorite books, and I completely sympathize with readers who feel hesitant to go digital.It’s worth noting, however, that unless you plan to make a quick jaunt overseas in the near future, youll likely ha ve some difficulty obtaining copies of recent books in your language of choice. Not only do you have to contend with limited distribution and international copyright issues, but many booksellers can’t justify importing large numbers of a book in a foreign language. Even if you can find a copy of what youre looking for, youll likely spend a small fortune to purchase it.E-books, on the other hand, are much more affordable and easily accessible to everyone. You may still encounter limited availability from time to time, but the problem is much less severe in the digital space. If youre a Kindle reader like I am, you might also want to give one of Amazon’s many independent publishers a shot.Im an avowed fan of many authors, both foreign and domestic, whove chosen to self-publish riveting stories you wont find on the shelves of traditional retailers. For example, if you were looking for a great French read, Id recommend that you check out Jacques Vandrouxs Les Pierres Couchéesâ€"thi s supernatural thriller was a favorite of mine last year.3. Practice Your New VocabularyLanguage learning is immensely enjoyable, but it does represent a certain time commitment.After becoming immersed in a fantastic foreign novel, I have often found myself guilty of speeding through the text rather than pausing to work on the new words Ive discovered. Dont fall prey to this trap, tempting as it may be to read your way to the final page in one sitting.Instead, try to work through your vocabulary in bite-sized chunks. Ive personally found it most useful to refer to my new vocab words after completing each new chapter. Many Kindle devices conveniently file every word you define into an app called Vocabulary Builder. You can refer to these words at any time and the devices even support flashcards for your vocab words.Your mileage may vary with other e-readers, so be sure to read up on the features of a potential device if youre considering a new purchase.As much as I appreciate the inn ovation of digital e-readers, I do have to admit that I still find it easier to retain words with physical flashcards.I simply copy my vocab words from my e-reader onto traditional index cards. And, of course, dont forget to feed your reading with other language development methods throughout your day. The ongoing exposure will help take your language skills into the stratosphere!Acquiring proficiency in a foreign language demands a hefty commitment of time and energy, but the satisfaction of speaking another language makes the sacrifice well worth it.As you use this simple reading tool to supercharge your retention skills, youre bound to notice a difference within a few months.The day you find yourself reading page after page without once referring to the dictionary translation, youll no doubt find yourself ecstatic with the progress youve made.Adam Zetterlund is a language enthusiast living in New York City. He spent five years honing his foreign language skills in Paris and Londo n, and he currently partners with a number of international clients in a marketing capacity. Learn more by reading his blog.And One More ThingIf youre digging these strategies, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more ex amples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.

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